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비자연장. 여기저기 기사도 많으니 믿으셔도 될듯

작성자: 타이라이브, 날짜 : hit : 1883, scrab : 0 , recommended : 0

이미여러 매체에서 승인정보를 올리고 있습니다.



An immigration officer disinfects an immigration desk at Suvarnabhumi Airport on March 11, 2020.
An immigration officer disinfects an immigration desk at Suvarnabhumi Airport on March 11, 2020.

BANGKOK — The Cabinet on Tuesday said it extended the amnesty for foreigners’ stay in Thailand amid the global coronavirus outbreak for a second time. 

The automatic extension of stay in the Kingdom, which was to expire on July 31, is now renewed until Sep. 26, according to government spokeswoman Traisuree Taisaranakul.

The mandatory 90-day reporting for foreigners residing in Thailand is also suspended, she said. The announcement was later published in the Cabinet minutes released by the government.

Officials said the measure will help travelers who found themselves stranded in Thailand due to travel restrictions brought about by the coronavirus pandemic.

Under the visa amnesty, the foreigners will not have to queue up at immigration to report their residency or extend their stay in the country.

Thai visa extensions approved through Sept. 26

That dreaded edifice which confronts all foreign nationals answering to Immigration Division 1, which is located inside the Government Complex in Bangkok’s Chaeng Wattana area.
That dreaded edifice which confronts all foreign nationals answering to Immigration Division 1, which is located inside the Government Complex in Bangkok’s Chaeng Wattana area.

Foreigners will get another two month’s reprieve from Thailand’s immigration laws after the cabinet today approved an extension to requirements .

Days before the current amnesty expires July 31, the cabinet’s approval today essentially resets the clock for foreign nationals until Sept. 26.

The mandatory 90-day reporting requirement for foreign residents is also suspended, government spokeswoman Traisuree Taisaranakul said.

The amnesty was put in place in April as the borders were sealed and to prevent crowding at immigration centers. Visas have been automatically extended since.

댓글 3 | 엮인글 0  

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