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방콕TM30 벌금. 7- 일레븐 편의점에서 90일 신고

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어느나라 대사관에서는 자국 교민들에게  TM30 신고에 대한 정보를 E메일 보내어 알렸다함,

TM30제때 신고못해 방콕에서 90일 신고때 벌금냈다는것, 외국인과 모임에서 들은것 뿐이니 확인요.


90일 온라인신고, 90일 우편신고 외에 전국 세븐 일레븐 편의점에서도(2015년 발표)

90 day reporting now available at all 7-Eleven outlets in Thailand


BANGKOK:-- A spokesperson for the Immigration Bureau has announced that from today, foreigners will be able to complete their 90 day report at any 7-Eleven outlet in Thailand.

This follows the recent announcement from Immigration that foreigners can also now complete their 90 day report online.

Speaking at the launch event held at the immigration offices in Chaengwattana, Bangkok, Immigration chief Pol Col Somchai Wittiporn said: “this new service is being launched in preparation to Thailand’s integration with the ASEAN community”.

“We also want to make it easier for the aliens who stay in Thailand for a long time”.

“We know that many foreigners like to buy their cheap beer and bread and also collect the stamps from 7-Eleven, so it was our idea that they can also do their 90 day reporting when they visit their favourite store”.

Pol Col Somchai explained that in order to complete their 90 day report at 7-Eleven, foreigners will need to hand their passport, 4 passport photos and the TM47 form to 7-Eleven staff who will then scan the relevant information into the new system.

Pol Col Somchai also confirmed that due to some minor technical issues 7-Eleven staff are currently unable to issue a confirmation receipt for any 90 day report completed in store.

However, whilst the problem is being rectified and as a gesture of goodwill, Pol Col Somchai has instructed staff to issue any foreigner who completes their day 90 report at 7-Eleven during the month of April with twenty complimentary 7-Eleven stamps courtesy of the Immigration Bureau


TM30 추가 설명


「แบบการแจ้งคนต่างด้าวเข้าพักอาศัย สำหรับเจ้าบ้านเจ้าของหรือผู้ครอบครองเคหะสถาน


요약 하면 [외국인에게 임대해준 가주는 가주 자신이 신고해야하는 보고서]

즉 구비서류에 가주 서명이 들어가야하는 가주의 책임 의무 서류. 요것만 아는 아는 사람이 모두 아는체 하느며 단정적으로 말하는 인간도 있는데,

문제는 TM30과 같은 맥락에서TM28 이 있어




최초의 가주가 신고한 주소의 변경시 24시간 내에 해야하느데 이것은 외국인 자신이 해야하는것

TM30신고는 전적으로가주 책임이라는 단편적 지식은 잘못.

댓글 5 | 엮인글 0  

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