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[느낌충만 멕시코음악] Mana - Rayando El Sol (태양은 비추고)

작성자: 삼막곡, 날짜 : hit : 848, scrab : 0 , recommended : 0

Scratching the sun
Rayando el sol

Scratching for you
Rayando por ti

This pity, it hurts, it burns me without your love
Esta pena, me duele, me quema sin tu amor

You haven't called me, I'm desperate
No me has llamado, estoy desesperado

There are many moons that I have cried
Son muchas lunas las que te he llorado
Raying the sun, despair
Rayando el sol, desesperación

It is easier to reach the sun than your heart
Es más fácil llegar al sol que a tu corazón

I'm dying for you, living without you
Me muero por ti, viviendo sin ti

And I can't stand, it hurts so much to be like this
Y no aguanto, me duele tanto estar así

Scratching the sun
Rayando el sol
I went to your house
A tu casa yo fui

And i didn't find you
Y no te encontré

In the park, in the square, in the cinema I looked for you
En el parque, en la plaza, en el cine yo te busqué

I have you trapped *ween my skin and my soul
Te tengo atrapada entre mi piel y mi alma

I can't do that much anymore and I want to be with you
Más ya no puedo tanto y quiero estar junto a ti
Raying the sun, despair
Rayando el sol, desesperación

It is easier to reach the sun than your heart
Es más fácil llegar al sol que a tu corazón

And I die for you, living without you
Y yo me muero por ti, viviendo sin ti

And not
Y no…

후렴구 가사는

태양은 비추는데 오 오오~ 절망
너의 마음에 다다르는것보다 태양에 도착하는게 더 쉬운일인걸
오 너때문에 죽겟고 너없이 산다는 것은..
더 이상 참을 수 없네 
이렇게 지내는게 이렇게 힘들 줄이야
태양은 비추고~ 
댓글 1 | 엮인글 0  

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