로그인 회원가입 모바일


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[방콕 BPO취업] 글로벌 Video 플랫폼 5+명 채용

작성자: 2STO인사담당자, 날짜 : hit : 170, scrab : 0 , recommended : 0

[2STO] 글로벌 Video Platform <Contents Moderator> 채용



안녕하세요. 해외 채용 전문 Recruitment Agency 2STO(투스토) 채용 담당자입니다.


2STO는 풍부한 경험, 노하우와 전문성을 바탕으로 여러분들의 성공적인 커리어를 서포트 합니다.


여러분들이 더 넓은 세상에서의 꿈을 이룰 수 있도록


가장 먼저 떠올리게 되는 Recruitment Agency가 되겠습니다.


지금 바로 글로벌 BPO Company, 전 세계 곳곳에 있는 팀원들과 글로벌 커리어를 시작하세요!



Global Video Platform <Contents Moderator>

Hiring Company

Global BPO Company


Contents Moderator

Hiring #


Working Date

End of Aug, Mid of Sept

Work Place

Thailand Bangkok

Working Hour

- 24/7

-Shift Work


- ~ 74,000 THB


*Plus allowance & Bonus


< Overview >

Content moderator jobs continue to be on the rise as the online world never stops needing content moderation. A Content Moderator is always on guard, maintaining the online reputation of a business. They screen, monitor, and approve content in compliance with the website’s guidelines. Also, they promote excellent customer service and help to cultivate a strong community around the brand.



- Review, classify, annotate, categorize, group, mask, or label content related to video, audio, text, image, documents, or other relevant data based on defined guidelines.

- Generate data sets for production and machine learning purposes.

- Actively listen and classify different audio datasets, including human and animal sounds, songs, music, conversations, etc.

- Review and classify emotions, gestures, and other relevant elements in content.

- Annotate images in heat graphs or spectrograms to determine sleeping or active states.

- Understand and stay up-to-date with content policies and guidelines.

- Review online videos, social media, web pages, and advertising content for compliance with policies and guidelines.

- Content could be in text, image, audio, video, or any other format.

- Identify content that does not comply with requirements and flag it for action.

- Use basic judgment to perform required tasks effectively and accurately.

- Display a strong bias to doing what's right for our community in supporting social media's mission.

- Enforce social media Terms of Use by carefully monitoring reports of abuse on the site.


- Native language skills (excellence verbal and written communication skills)

- Ability to speak and write English fluently (B2 Level~)

- Bachelor’s degree in any field.

- Minimum 2 years working experienced required.

- Ability to interact professionally with individuals from various backgrounds

- Strong interpersonal skills, team player and a high level of integrity and professionalism

- Team player with strong problem solving and conflict management skills.


- Support for VISA and Work Permit with one way Airfare Ticket

- Support for staying at hotel (5~8 days) before getting the residence

- Housing Allowance included

- 1 Month fixed bonus / KPI bonus

- Annual leave 12 days

- Health insurance, Dental insurance


Resume > Screening > HR Interview > Operation Interview > Offer > Visa > Malaysia Penang


이외 추가적인 사항이 궁금하거나 지원 의사가 있으실 경우, 아래 이메일 주소로 문의 및 이력서 제출 해 주시기 바랍니다.

검토 후 해당자에 한해 연락 드리겠습니다.


문의 및 이력서 제출 : [email protected]


***지원 제목 (중요) : 포지션 이름_지원자 이름.         Ex) Video CM_OO

***내용 (중요) : “네이버 카페 OOO 보고 지원합니다.”


댓글 0 | 엮인글 0  

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