로그인 회원가입 모바일


*교민 알림게시판(알림,개업,이전,결혼,축하 등)입니다. 상업적 게시글은 비즈니스홍보게시판을 이용해주시기 바랍니다.

Open Bid Invitation (Security Guard Service)

작성자: 주태국한국대사관, 날짜 : hit : 844, scrab : 0 , recommended : 0

(The Korean Embassy Bid Invitation #2022-07)


Open Bid Invitation [Security Guard Service]




1. Description: Security Guard Service at the Korean Embassy


2. Qualification:

¨ Business with a valid business license

¨ Business that is not related to any of these status: liquidation, M&A, disposal, legal composition, court receivership, and/or any types of legal disputes


3. Application Process:

 ¨ Application period:  19/May/ 2022 – 30/May/2022 17:00p.m.

 ¨ Email the required documents below to [email protected] (Title Open Bid “Security Guard Service” and submit the original documents to the Embassy)


    Registration Form (Attached)

   ‚ Bidding Price Form (Attached)

   ƒ Memorandum of Contract Deposit Payment Form (Attached)

„ Financial Solvency (Attached)

n Business License (1 Copy)

o Brief Portfolio (about competencies and past 5-year performances, 1 copy) with a service proposal (Free-form)

p Proof of Credibility (Financial statement 2019-2021, industrial accident compensation insurance, medical insurance certificate, certificate of Korean language proficiency, etc)


4. Site Survey: To be individually contacted (MUST attend)


5. Bidding Result: After June 1st, to be individually contacted via email or call


6. Bidding Decision:

¨ We take the open competitive bidding method, where qualified and competent business with the

lowest proposal estimate is awarded the bid.

¨ When multiple competent suppliers propose the same lowest estimates, only those selected will

go through re-bidding.


7. Expected Annual Amount Range: 2,058,000.00 Baht             

8. Contract Schedule:

  ¨ Contract Signing: To be contacted via call

  ¨ Expected Contract Period: August 1st 2022 ~ July 31th 2023 (1 year) 


9. Bidding Invalidation:

¨ Applications that do not meet the stated qualifications are not considered for this project.

¨ Applications with insufficient, forged and counterfeit documents are not considered.

¨ When the successful bidder does not wish to continue concluding the contract, it is required that

the bid deposit (which is waived at registration) be paid to the Embassy


10. Others:

¨ The Korean Embassy promotes transparency and fairness in contracts

¨ Any difference of interpretation would follow the interpretation of the Embassy

¨ Submitted documents shall not be returned.


11. Inquiry: [email protected], or 02-247-7537 ext.142

*Application documents can be found on Embassy website. 


댓글 2 | 엮인글 0  

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새로 올라온 글
